Tuesday, November 27, 2018

November News

November News 2018

Reading: We started our new unit NonFiction. Children will study word solving, vocabulary, comprehension,  and fluency. We will use partners that taps into the  social power of peers working together to help each other become more strategic readers and talk about books. We will learn all the parts of nonfiction: table of contents, captions, index, and glossary. Students will learn that readers can start anywhere in the book unlike fiction books that have to start in the beginning. Students will continue to read just-right fiction books to increase their stamina in reading.

Writing: We start our new unit: Nonfiction Reports, All About The students will write all about a topic and include many features of nonfiction books. They will learn to include captions on pictures, a table of contents and/or a glossary. Everyday, students are sharing their writing with their partner to make sure it is readable. We have been working on spelling words that are "no-excuses". These are words must be spelled correctly. We continue to learn about spelling patterns and how words work. We have finished short vowels: a, o, u i and just started e.

Math:  We Started Ch. 8- Addition and Subtraction to 20. We will many strategies to add to 20. They include:
1. putting the two numbers together. 7+5= 12
2. Making a 10 and then adding. 9+4 is the same as 10+3
3. Adding on starting with the bigger number. 12 +3. Say 12 and count on 3 more to get 15.
4. Knowing Doubles, 3+3
5. Knowing Neighbors, since 3+3 = 6 then 3+4 = 7
These are just strategies to help them know their math facts fluently. The goal is be able to add and subtract up to 20 in their head. Being able to see the numbers in their head and manipulate them to get the answer they need will help them later with word problems. Computer math sites that reinforce these skills are:


Social Studies: We spent time before Thanksgiving learning about the Pilgrims. We learned that 100 Pilgrims came to America, but only 40 survived the winter. Most of these were children. We talked about why people immigrate to another country like the Pilgrims. Many of our activities focused on how hard the Pilgrims had coming to this country and we tied it to how hard immigrants have coming to a new place. Currently we are learning about Maps and Globes. So far...students know: map key, compass rose and how to make and read a map. We will focus on globes next.
Looking Ahead:

Early Release: Friday, Dec 7th and Dec 21st. 

Winter Holiday Sing: Thursday, December 20 at 2 p.m.

Winter Holiday Party: Friday, December 21, Early Release day
                                       Kids wear PJs to school, bring a blanket and pillow.
                                      All school Read-in. starting at 9:30 a.m
 Winter Break- No School- Dec 22 through January 2rnd. School Resumes January 3rd

Scholastic Book Orders will be coming home. Orders are due: Friday, Dec. 7 th.

If you order, there are 2 ways to pay:
A) Return order sheet and a check made out to Scholastic.
B) Online order with your credit card.
1. go to www.scholastic.com/bookclubs
2. use my class activation code: fmr3g
3. shop and pay.

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