Monday, December 24, 2018

Holiday Sing

Standing room only for the Captain Annual Holiday Sing.
Singing  Mambo Santa

Singing. "I'm a little Cookie"

Holding hands as they sing. So cute.


Captain's Chorus is open to 3rd through 5th grade students.

Winter Read-In

The kids loved wearing Pajamas and reading with the adults that came to our class. Thank you all for the Winter Holiday gift to Target. I really appreciate it.
Special Thanks to Angela Liebermann for getting our Scholastic book order to our classroom just in time for the holidays.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Gingerbread Men

Last week and this week we are reading about the folktale, The Gingerbread Man. We will be read many different versions looking for similarities and differences. Then we will make gingerbread to put on the refrigerator.

by Karen Schmidt

by Jan Brett

by Jan Brett

by Lisa Campbell Ernst

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

November News

November News 2018

Reading: We started our new unit NonFiction. Children will study word solving, vocabulary, comprehension,  and fluency. We will use partners that taps into the  social power of peers working together to help each other become more strategic readers and talk about books. We will learn all the parts of nonfiction: table of contents, captions, index, and glossary. Students will learn that readers can start anywhere in the book unlike fiction books that have to start in the beginning. Students will continue to read just-right fiction books to increase their stamina in reading.

Writing: We start our new unit: Nonfiction Reports, All About The students will write all about a topic and include many features of nonfiction books. They will learn to include captions on pictures, a table of contents and/or a glossary. Everyday, students are sharing their writing with their partner to make sure it is readable. We have been working on spelling words that are "no-excuses". These are words must be spelled correctly. We continue to learn about spelling patterns and how words work. We have finished short vowels: a, o, u i and just started e.

Math:  We Started Ch. 8- Addition and Subtraction to 20. We will many strategies to add to 20. They include:
1. putting the two numbers together. 7+5= 12
2. Making a 10 and then adding. 9+4 is the same as 10+3
3. Adding on starting with the bigger number. 12 +3. Say 12 and count on 3 more to get 15.
4. Knowing Doubles, 3+3
5. Knowing Neighbors, since 3+3 = 6 then 3+4 = 7
These are just strategies to help them know their math facts fluently. The goal is be able to add and subtract up to 20 in their head. Being able to see the numbers in their head and manipulate them to get the answer they need will help them later with word problems. Computer math sites that reinforce these skills are:

Social Studies: We spent time before Thanksgiving learning about the Pilgrims. We learned that 100 Pilgrims came to America, but only 40 survived the winter. Most of these were children. We talked about why people immigrate to another country like the Pilgrims. Many of our activities focused on how hard the Pilgrims had coming to this country and we tied it to how hard immigrants have coming to a new place. Currently we are learning about Maps and Globes. So far...students know: map key, compass rose and how to make and read a map. We will focus on globes next.
Looking Ahead:

Early Release: Friday, Dec 7th and Dec 21st. 

Winter Holiday Sing: Thursday, December 20 at 2 p.m.

Winter Holiday Party: Friday, December 21, Early Release day
                                       Kids wear PJs to school, bring a blanket and pillow.
                                      All school Read-in. starting at 9:30 a.m
 Winter Break- No School- Dec 22 through January 2rnd. School Resumes January 3rd

Scholastic Book Orders will be coming home. Orders are due: Friday, Dec. 7 th.

If you order, there are 2 ways to pay:
A) Return order sheet and a check made out to Scholastic.
B) Online order with your credit card.
1. go to
2. use my class activation code: fmr3g
3. shop and pay.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Veteran's Day Assembly

Today we celebrated Veteran's Day with members of our Captain Elementary community who have served our country. We listened to a Book called America's White Table and heard from several veterans. In our classroom, we read a Scholastic News about Veterans and read a take home book on what it means to be a veteran.

Friday, November 2, 2018

October Newsletter

We started our Non-Fiction unit. We learned to look at all parts of the book when reading.  We learned many features about nonfiction books. Ask you child about: the table of contents, glossary, index and structure of nonfiction books. The children learned they do not have to start at the beginning to read a nonfiction book. Many children are growing as readers. Make sure they are bringing books home to read that are "just-right."

Writing: We continue to work on small moment stories. We teach the students to start and end their stories with action, dialogue, feeling or time(one day). This week we worked on extending our writing and adding more to the middle part with details. We continue to learn about spelling patterns and how words work. We have finished short vowels: a, o, and i. We will start short u on Monday, Nov. 5th.

Math:  We finished our Math Geometry Chapter and  Ordinal Numbers and Position Words Chapter. Words that tend to be tricky for some students are: before, after, under, between, greater then, fewer then, next, to the left of, to the right of, and how many more, how many fewer/less.  We will start the Math Chapter on Numbers to 20 on Monday, November 5th.

Science: We learned about Pumpkins and their life cycle to finish up the life cycle of plants.  Did you know that all pumpkins float! The extra large ones can be used as boats, too.

 Social Studies:  We will start Map and Globe skills next followed by Rules and Laws. We will take time to talk about elections in a free society.   Before Thanksgiving we will learn why people immigrate to another country like the Pilgrims.

Your Input is Needed - Reminder - Join the School District of Clayton for one of three Open House style input sessions next month to help shape the District’s future. We are looking for feedback from parents, students, staff and community members about important decisions that will be made this school year, including the possibility of asking voters for a tax increase in April 2019 and establishing community priorities for our students’ future. Superintendent Dr. Sean Doherty, District administrators and Board of Education members will be in attendance to answer your questions and listen to your thoughts on the District's future. Please join us for one of the three Open Houses listed below for as much - or as little - time as your schedule allows. Visit for more details and to RSVP.
 • Tuesday, Nov. 6, 5-8 p.m. at Wydown Middle School, 6500 Wydown Blvd.
• Thursday, Nov. 8, 6-9 p.m. at the Clayton High School Library, #1 Mark Twain Circle
• Saturday, Nov. 10, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at The Center of Clayton, 50 Gay Ave.

Looking Ahead:
No school- Tuesday, Nov. 6th- Election Day.
Captain Book Fair: Saturday, Nov. 10th from 9- noon
No School Thanksgiving Break: Wednesday, Nov. 21rd - Friday, Nov. 23


We had so much fun on Halloween. Thank you to all the parents who were able to come help. 

Mrs. Goode as a ladybug

first graders

The Office Copy Cats

Fifth grade procession

"Three feet in a yard" third grade teachers

First Grade Parading

Fifth grade dancing the Electric Slide and Thiller

Parade on DeMunn

"There is no Crying in baseball", A League of their Own Movie (fifth grade teachers)

Mr. Mayer as Jack Sparrow

Fifth grade dancing

Ms. Frizzle (Mrs. Hwande)

Sunday, October 28, 2018


Halloween is quickly approaching. Students will
begin getting ready in our classroom at 1:45. We
strongly encourage costumes that can go over
their regular school clothes but the bathrooms
will be available if needed. The parade begins at
2:00 on the blacktop or inside if raining. After the
parade and fifth grade dance, we will come back
to our room for a small snack and a story.
Please know you are welcome to attend. You
can meet us in our room at 1:50 or join the
celebration at 2:00 on the blacktop. We will
capture many pictures for those of you unable to
Thank you,
First Grade Teachers

Thursday, October 11, 2018


Do students recognize shapes even if they are: different sizes, rotations and thickness? 
We use these shapes in our everyday world. Can student recognize and name these shapes? 

Thursday, October 4, 2018


We had a great time at Faust Park. We visited the Butterfly House and the World's Fair Carousel.
We had lunch under the pavilion and played on the playground.

Please see the slide show here:

Butterfly House Slide Show

We have Flowers and Caterpillars

Today we got Painted Lady caterpillars. We will watch the life cycle of these insects and then release them in the garden. It should take about 2 weeks.

Our Fast plants have grown a lot and now we have flowers.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Mealworms coming home

Today we released our colony of mealworms and sent our beetles home. You may keep your beetle alive with oatmeal and carrot slivers, or you can release yours into a garden.